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geschrieben von paul  am 02.04.2003 um 00:11:27 - als Antwort auf: FKK-Ferien in Südfrankreich - Aphrodite von Mittdreissiger aus Nordbaden
Als Antwort auf: FKK-Ferien in Südfrankreich - Aphrodite von Mittdreissiger aus Nordbaden am 25. März 2003 23:56:33:

Near the city of Lloret del Mar there is a beach that appears to be predominantly nudist. Its name is Boedella and it is accessible by the fairy that runs from Lloret del Mar several times daily. The ferry drops passengers directly off on the southern end of the beach. This area appears to be the most popular nudist area. The northern end of the beach is seperated by a rock outcropping. There were fewer nudists there, but it was generally a "younger" group of users (more women as the area is a little seculded). The center part of the beach was the least occupied and many of the users were clothed (but there were some nude people using this area). I imagine on a holiday it would be very packed here.

The only services provided are a cantina and an outdoor shower in the main nudist area (southern part of the beach). No bathroom facilities. The three days that I was there, I saw numerous groups and couples, but few families. The fact that the ferry boat drops off people on the most heavily used nudist area didn't seem to offend anyone. But by the expressions of some boat tourists, they were very unaware of FKK on this beach.

Swimming is best on the southern end of the island, and the bay is "roped in" with buoys. Most of the users were elderly, with about half the users being Spanish and the other half German (big surprise!). Male to female ratio was about 60:40. I believe it is good enough that a single female would not feel uncomfortable. My wife and I had a great time and plan to return again next time we are in Lloret del Mar. Please email if you'd like a further description.
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