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geschrieben von paul  am 06.02.2003 um 12:48:14 - als Antwort auf: FKK in Australien von paul
Als Antwort auf: Heute Leuze Bad von Arami am 29. Januar 2003 08:13:12:

This is a secluded beach on Sydney harbour, near the military reserve at Middle Head. Obelisk Beach has been a nudist beach for more than 30 years. It is a safe beach for swimming. During the summer months a boat comes to the beach selling ice creams and cold drinks. We still recommend taking provisions for the day, including sun cream. There are no toilets or showers at the beach. Access: Follow Middle Head Road, Mosman past the entrance to Balmoral Naval Base. Take the road on the right. One hundred metres along on the left there is a sign to the beach. By public transport: Monday to Friday, the 244 bus leaves Wynyard Park in the city for Balmoral Naval Base. Approximate travel time is 30 minutes. After alighting from the bus, take the road on the right and the beach is just past the car park.
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